The SHARP Team

The current team

The SHARP headquarters are located at the Astronomical Observatory of Brera (Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera), in Milan. The Observatory is part of the National Institute of Astrophysics (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica - INAF). 

The team listed below, composed of about 50 people affiliated with 10 INAF institutes and 4 universities. The team includes scientists as well as engineers, optical designers and software developers. This core team was initially assembled to define the main characteristics of SHARP and its optimal placement, and to manage the concept study phase.  The team, on the basis of scientific drivers and considering the upcoming spectrographs at ESO, defined the Main Requirements of SHARP identifing the 2nd port of MORFEO@ELT as its best placement. The team is currently going on with the concept study of SHARP. The project status is described here.

The project will soon need a larger international structured team to cover all the needed expertise. 

The Science Team

The SHARP Science Team (ST) currently comprises approximately 35 scientists. The team, consisting of experts covering a wide range of astrophysical topics, is organized into four Working Groups (WG): WG1 - Early Universe and Cosmology; WG2 - Galaxies and AGNs; WG3 - Interstellar medium, young stellar objects, planetary systems; WG4 - Resolved Stellar Populations. Each WG has delineated key scientific objectives within its respective area of investigation. The ST is actively managing and engaging the Italian scientific community in the development of a comprehensive collection of scientific cases where the capabilities of SHARP would be indispensable.

ST will soon expand as national and international collaborations grow. 

INAF - OA Brera, Milano

Paolo Saracco (PI)

Paolo Conconi

Ilaria Arosio

Laura Barbalini

Andrea Bianco

Marcella Longhetti

Emilio Molinari (PM)

Hossein Mahmoodzadeh (PhD)

Marco Riva (Advisor)

Marcello Scalera (PhD)


INAF - IASF, Milano

Susanna Bisogni

Paolo Franzetti

Marco Fumana

Adriana Gargiulo (WG2)

Chiara Mancini

Maria Polletta

Marco Scodeggio

Giustina Vietri

INAF - OAS Bologna

Roberto Decarli

Gabriele Rodeghiero

Eros Vanzella (WG1)

Univ. di Bologna

Carmela Lardo

Michele Moresco

INAF - OA Padova

Carmelo Arcidiacono (IS)

Davide Greggio

Univ. di Padova

Elena Dalla Bonta'

Alessandro Pizzella


Andrea Longobardo

Alessandro Mura

INAF - OAstr. Arcetri, Firenze

Davide Fedele (WG3)

Anna Rita Gallazzi

Laura Magrini

Linda Podio

Veronica Roccatagliata

Lorenzo Spina

Stefano Zibetti

 INAF - OA Capodimonte, Napoli

Juan Manuel Alcala'

Alessio Caratti O Garatti

Enrico Cascone

Massimo Dall'Ora

Vincenzo De Caprio

Luca Izzo

Francesco La Barbera

Vincenzo Ripepi

INAF - OA d'Abruzzo

Gianluca Di Rico

Elisa Portaluri 

Benedetta Di Francesco

Ivan Di Antonio

INAF - OA Palermo

Mario Guarcello

Loredana Prisinzano

Sara Bonito

INAF - OA Roma

Giuliana Fiorentino

Univ. Roma Tor Vergata

Giuseppe Bono 

Valentina D'Orazi (WG4)  

Univ. Roma Tre

Federica Ricci


Andrea Longobardo